How You Can Help
Get Involved Now!
Switzer Learning Center is a 501 (c) (3) California Public Benefit, not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporation and charitable organization that depends on the generous contributions of individuals like you.
To meet the growing and diverse financial needs of Switzer Learning Center, the administrative staff and Board of Directors spearhead the Center’s fundraising efforts. As a nonpublic school and agency, funding for our programs comes from contracts with local school districts that send students to our Center. Unfortunately, contracted services only cover about 75 to 80 percent of the costs incurred by the Center. The remaining 20 to 25 percent must be raised through corporate and foundation grants, individual contributions, and fundraising events and projects.
Our students directly benefit from your generosity whenever you:
- volunteer your time to get direcly involved with students or help out behind the scenes
- attend or sponsor fundraising special events
- sponsor a student scholarship or adopt a needy family
- give an in-kind donation or fulfill our wishlist
- make a monetary contribution or a planned gift
- join our staff team of committed special educators
Call today to schedule a tour to learn how to GET INVOLVED IN TRULY MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Contact Beth MacAller at 310-328-3611 x333 or